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Our Scouts are the ones that go in and check out an area of space before the rest of the group moves in. This could be to check out a newly discovered alien site or to locate Capital Ships to attack.


Our Scientists are the ones who are there to decode or solve any mysteries relating to aliens to better aid the group and the wider Elite Dangerous community.


Our Combat Team are divided into wings of 4, each with their own wing leader. In the case of an attack, these wings will be sent out to respond. This team is also deployed when raiding Faction Capital Ships.


Our Logistics Team are tasked with fuel rescues, CGs and the transport of goods. Along with this, they can use shield heal beam lasers and any other future repair content (e.g. repair drones).


New members of the FCDI have the option to choose from one of these four roles to take on when joining the group. Given below, is a brief description of each role.

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